Start, by locating one or two job postings that describe your ideal job functions/duties as well as position requirement. This exercise will help you gain a better understanding of the roles you're seeking and the skills employers have identified as critical to performing the outlined job duties.
Only worry about physical location if you intend to immediately launch your search and you are also interested in assessing the number of openings available. If so, pay close attention to the number of opening available that match your target role.
Finally, this assessment allows you to compile a list of target employers seeking your specific skillset and even position you to conduct complementary research to identify area employers that may not surface because their not currently recruiting candidates.
To uncover labor market research that positions you for the win, please schedule a complementary discovery session with one of our certified career development practitioners or transition specialists. You may also visit the Help Center, call 866.827.7302, email us, or use the "Feedback & Support" link located on bottom right side of the page. We also invite you to continue the conversation by sharing your suggestions for advancing in the selection process by adding a comment below.