- Contemplate your search action plan activities and milestones to document what worked for future reference;
- Follow up with everyone who helped with your search to thank them for their support and share new employment details;
- Update your LinkedIn profile with your employment details to automatically communicate your status to LinkedIn network;
- Establish system to track accomplishments/milestones delivered in new role;
- Create 30-60-90 day plan to strategically transition into new role and lay groundwork for accomplishing performance expectations identified throughout selection process and job description.
- Identify networking objectives and establish networking plan with these priorities and future career goals in mind.
“Margi has been recognized as one of the Top Career Transition Coaches by Coach Foundation.”
"I help individuals, families, and organizations navigate complicated career transitions and build strengths-based careers." -- Margi Williams, MSIOP, CPC AuthorMargi is a certified Career Strategist who’s privileged to partner with candidates navigating complicated career transitions. Categories
October 2023