- research your online reputation.
- monitor employers included on your company target list.
- assess activity in your destination location.
- establish alert to monitor target industries.
- research people of interest.
The research results can be leveraged to:
- Develop pain letters that demonstrate immediate value you can deliver to target employers.
- Impress an interviewer with how up-to-date you are on company/industry/professional news.
- To uncover adverse findings about a potential employer, such as rumors of bankruptcy, layoffs, decreased profits, CEO or CFO resignations, etc.
- Reconnect with past connections.
- Rebut personal things about you that may negative.
To clarify next steps in your job search campaign, please schedule a complementary discovery session with one of our certified career development practitioners or transition specialists. You may also visit the Help Center, call 866.827.7302, email us, or use the "Feedback & Support" link located on bottom right side of the page. We also invite you to continue the conversation by sharing your suggestions for advancing in the selection process by adding a comment below.