Not surprisingly, the biggest thing that has evolved in the job search is the impact of technology. The ability to apply online for a position has contributed to a substantial increase in the sheer volume of applications that companies receive for open positions. It takes literally seconds — and costs almost nothing — for a jobseeker to apply for a position online. Consequently, companies are inundated with applicants for job openings. Some companies receive more than 20,000 applicants for each advertised position.
But don’t be discouraged. One thing that hasn’t changed: People still hire people. So it’s more important than ever to focus on how you can add value to a prospective employer and get your résumé in the hands of someone with the authority to hire you. With this in mind, throughout the month of February I will offer practical tips you can use to build and launch a strategic job search campaign. The topics covered will include (1) preparing your resume, (2) targeting a specific job opportunity, and (3) developing an effective networking plan.
We also invite you to share specific questions you have regarding your job search by emailing your question to our team. Each submission will be answered by a credentialed job search professional during an upcoming Q&A forum. Each candidate who submits a question will receive an emailed invitation to access the recording at no charge.