Add Rich Media
With your LinkedIn profile serving as an online portfolio, add examples of your work, presentations, links to websites or blogs, video
clips, pictures, or even a PDF of your resume.
- To add media to your profile, go to your “Edit Profile” screen, and choose where you want it to appear, either in your Summary or with a particular position. Look for the “Add link or upload a file” icon to add your media.
Once you have joined several groups, begin to mine each of your groups for new contacts using the member list. Search for recruiters or compay contacts then locate local networking events to build and cultivate these relationships in person.
Follow Target Companies
Follow a company’s page as "followers" are considered a candidate source. The company's status updates are then available in your activity feed, which may result in alerts about job openings and other trigger events relevant to your search. You could also receive suggestions about competing firms that may also be of interest.
Alumni Network
Visit www.linkedin.com, search for your college or university's name, and select the correct page. Then review the options on the left-side of the page and click "Alumni". This may reveal new contacts, companies, and job types to target.
Ask for Introductions
Leverage your existing connections to connect with new contact at target companies or with recruiters. Remember to personalize your to remind them of your connection and explain the reason for your request.
To develop a networking campaign aligned with your search objectives, please schedule a complementary discovery session with one of our certified career development practitioners or transition specialists. You may also visit the Help Center, call 866.827.7302, email us, or use the "Feedback & Support" link located on bottom right side of the page. We also invite you to continue the conversation by sharing your suggestions for advancing in the selection process by adding a comment below.